Early Intervention

Communicate - Learn - Thrive

At Climb Learning we offer early intervention for young children up to 7 years of age.

Sessions are prescribed on an individual basis in accordance with best practice, assessments and any diagnosis your child may have.

We work in collaboration with families to identify your child’s strengths and work towards socially significant skills that are important to the child and family.

A multidisciplinary team of Specialist Paediatric Clinicians and Therapists also include specialist Speech Therapy as part of the Early Intervention Program.

Individual Goals

Children work on individual goals to develop the skills to participate meaningfully in everyday learning and activities. 


Children participate in a range of activities including group time, functional play, physical activities, arts and crafts and singing.

Children work on developing the skills to participate meaningfully in everyday learning and activities.


We teach children how to learn by breaking learning down into component skills, teaching them the fundamental skills required to learn effectively from their environment.