Speech Therapy
Communicate - Learn - Thrive
Speech Therapy
Speech Therapy is offered as part of our Intensive Early Intervention program or on an individual basis for children up to 18 years of age.
Our comprehensive evidence-based programs address speech sound disorders and delays, language, literacy, motor speech disorders such as apraxia, and complex communication needs.
We offer support for specific learning difficulties such as dyslexia and can provide recommendations for accommodations and adaptations for school.
Our total communication approach includes the use of Augmentative and Alternative Communication (AAC), which includes AAC assessments, therapy and training.
Functional Communication Training (FCT) looks at the function of your child's behaviour with the aim of providing them with effective communication tools. It is a fundamental component of all of our programs and can also be offered as part of a positive behaviour support plan.
We offer a comprehensive range of individualised assessments for children from birth including:
- feeding and oral motor assessments
- literacy assessments
- speech sounds assessments
- dyslexia assessments
- comprehensive communication assessments
- academic assessments
- developmental assessments
Communication Programs
A program designed specifically for parents of young children (birth to 5 years of age) who have been identified as having a language delay. In a small, personalized group setting, parents are taught step-by-step practical strategies to help their children learn language.
Learn specific, research-based strategies to support your child's social communication and play skills, whilst connecting and having fun together.
A program designed for parents of children ages 4-8 on the autism spectrum or who have social communication difficulties. This research-based program teaches how conversations work and provides a framework and strategies to support language development and abilities.
This program teaches how to use manual signs and gestures to support communication.
Anapproach using motor learning principles.
A program that uses visual symbols and pictures to allow children with little or no communication abilities to communicate.
A system of language interventions based on a child's level of comprehension and expressive language for individuals who have difficulties in developing language skills.
Language for Learning teaches children words, concepts and statement that are important and form a grounding for both oral and written language.
This evidence-based sequential program focuses on developing concept imagery as a basis for comprehension.
The program promotes autistic children's learning and development by building on their existing strengths.