Helping children overcome developmental challenges, so they can reach their unique potential and live their best lives.

We provide evidence-based speech pathology and family-focused Early Intervention support on the Central Coast to help children Communicate, Learn and Thrive.

Who we are

CLIMB Learning is a Central Coast-based, paediatric Early Intervention Therapy Clinic that assesses and provides learning and developmental therapy to children with Autism Spectrum Disorder and other developmental disabilities

Our in-clinic research-based, unique Therapy Model of Intervention, sees significant successes for children in the program in the areas of Communication and Learning, through interventions that incorporate Motivation and Behaviour Management.

How we shine

Adopt a unique Therapy Model of Intervention

We are a one-stop therapy support clinic with highly experienced therapists who have already helped many children achieve significant gains.  

Accredited, Certified & Exclusively Paediatric

We offer support, guidance and the expertise needed to help your child reach their unique potential.

Value and Celebrate your Child's Uniqueness

Our warm, nurturing team highly values a family-centred, evidence-based practice. 

Smiling child at learning table

CLIMB Learning helps children to

  • Communicate more effectively
  • Improve behaviour 
  • Develop social skills
  • Build positive relationships
  • Develop functional independence within the home and community
Child playing with toy

Who we work with

  • Children with any developmental disability, delay or disorder.
  • Whether your child has already received a diagnosis or you suspect that challenges are impacting their development, CLIMB Learning provides support to the child and their family and community network too. 
Child with earphones looking at toy

What we offer

  • CLIMB Learning offers an in-clinic integrated learning approach, personalised to your child's needs.
  • Our programs offer communication, behaviour, learning and social skill support.  
Laughing children with their arms around each other

Our programs include

  • Clinic-based Paediatric Speech Pathology (Augmentative & Alternative Communication) plus alternative therapies as required delivered by a multidisciplinary team of Paediatric Therapists.
  • Diagnostics and Assessments.
  • Behaviour support and behaviour intervention programs
  • Parent Training Programs (eg: Sleep programs, Feeding Programs, Toilet Training programs)
Climb Learning collage

One-Stop Therapy Support Centre

CLIMB's professional team of Paediatric Therapists are passionate about making a difference in children's, and their parents' lives.

They go above and beyond to achieve an improved quality of life and independence for children, whilst providing guidance and support to the family unit. 

Our professional team of dedicated Allied Health Therapists are ready and waiting to help your little champion.

Children with adult climbing up wooden stairs

Contact us today


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