Lexy Wilson - Clinical Director

Communicate - Learn - Thrive
Lexy Wilson - Clinical Director
Lexy Wilson Clinical Director
  • 17 years experience as a Speech Pathologist 
  • BSc (Hons) Speech Pathology and Therapy
  • Post Graduate Certificate in Behaviour Analysis
  • Advanced LAMP (Language Acquisition through Motor Planning), Cognitive Behaviour Therapy and Acceptance and Commitment Therapy Approaches
  • Post Graduate in Verbal Behaviour
  • Level 2 PEAK Certified
  • Advanced Hanen Trained

Lexy has practised as a Qualified Speech Pathologist for 17 years across the UK and Australia. She worked in adult neuro (rehab and acute) for 2 years before spending the last 15 years working with children with developmental disabilities and Autism Spectrum Disorder as well as behavioural interventions including positive behaviour support.

Lexy is the owner and Clinical Director of CLIMB and supervises all of the clinical programs and services.   

A passionate runner and qualified coach, you'll often find Lexy taking in the spectacular trails of Sydney and she also provides running coaching to all ages.